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Studi e ricerche scientifiche sulle proprietà della Pappa Reale

  1. Estimation and characterisation of major royal jelly proteins obtained from the honeybee Apis merifera
    Food Chemistry, Volume 114, Issue 4, 15 June 2009, Pages 1491-1497
    Shougo Tamura, Toru Kono, Chika Harada, Kikuji Yamaguchi, Takanori Moriyama

  2. Bengsch E., Kettrup A., Polster J. (2001) Pollen-Gemisch und seine Verwendung.

  3. Bengsch E., Kettrup A., Polster J. (2000) Use of bioassimilable boron compounds for the control of subviral pathogenic agents.

  4. Fast determination of 26 amino acids and their content changes in royal jelly during storage using ultra-performance liquid chromatography- Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Volume 22, Issue 3, May 2009, Pages 242-249 Wu Liming, Zhou Jinhui, Xue Xiaofeng, Li Yi, Zhao Jing

  5. Bengsch E., Kettrup A., Polster J. (2000) Oligopeptides.

  6. Bengsch E., Kettrup A., Polster J. (1997) Gemisch zur Steigerung der Pollenaktivität und seine Verwendung.

  7. Effects of sodium fluoride exposure on some biochemical parameters in mice: Evaluation of the ameliorative effect of royal jelly applications on these parameters
    Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 47, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1184-1189
    Murat Kanbur, Gökhan Eraslan, Sibel Silici, Mürsel Karabacak

  8. Bengsch E., Polster J., Forkmann G., Kettrup A. (1996) Use of assimilable boron compound to regulate genetic transposition.

  9. Bengsch E. (1995) Gelée -Royale. Europäische Patentschrift EP 0 663 833 B1.

  10. Synergistic effect of starch and royal jelly against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
    Boukraâ L, Meslem A, Benhanifia M, Hammoudi SM.

  11. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Jul;15(7):755-7.
    Bengsch E. (1994) Standardisiertes Gelée Royale, Verfahren zu seiner Gewinnung und seine Verwendung.

  12. Bengsch E. (1993) Spurenelemente in Bienenprodukten fördern die Gesundheit. Allg Dtsch Imkerztg 27: 12-14.

  13. Belestrieri F., Marini D. (1987) Complementi alimentari a base di polline, propoli e gelatina reale: determinacione quantitativa dei principi. Rivista della Societa Italiana
    di Scienza dell' Alimentazione 2: 143-48.

  14. Identification of major royal jelly proteins in the brain of the honeybee Apis mellifera
    Journal of Insect Physiology, Volume 55, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 671-677
    Leonardo Gomes Peixoto, Luciana Karen Calábria, Liudy Garcia, Fausto Emílio Capparelli, Luiz Ricardo Goulart, Marcelo Valle de Sousa, Foued Salmen Espindola

  15. Abbott O. D., French R. D. (1945) Chemical Composition and physiological properties of royal jelly. Rept. Fla. Agr. Expt. Sta. No. 69.

  16. Abd-Alla M. S., Mishref A., Ghazi I.M. (1995) Antimicrobial Potency of Royal Jelly
    collected from queen cells at different larvae ages. Annals Agric. Sci., Ain Shams
    Univ., Cairo, 40 (2): 597-608.

  17. Bachanova K., Klaudiny J., Kopernicky J., Simuth J. (2002) Identification of
    honeybee peptide active against Paenibacillus larvae larvae through bacterial
    growth-inhibition assay on polyacrylamide gel. Apidologie 33: 259-269.

  18. Aregbe Y. Essentielle Spurenelemente und ihre Wirksamkeit. AIAU 93502.
    Atominstitut der Österreichischen Universitäten.

  19. Albert Š., Bhattacharya D., Klaudiny J., Schmitzová J., Šimúth J. (1999a) The family of major royal jelly proteins and its evolution. J. Mol. Evol. 49: 290-297.

  20. Albert Š., Klaudiny J., Šimúth J. (1999b) Molecular characterization of MRJP3, highly polymorphic protein of honeybee (Apis mellifera) royal jelly. Insect Biochem. Mol. Biol. 29: 427-434.

  21. Albert Š., Klaudiny J., Šimúth J. (1996) Newly discovered features of the updated sequnce of royal jelly protein RJP571; longer repetitive region on C-terminus and homology to Drosophila melanogaster yellow protein. J .Apicultural Res. 35: 63-68.

  22. Amberger, A., and Schmidt, H. L. (1987) "Natürliche Isotopengehalte von Nitrat als Indikatoren für dessen Herkunft", Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 51: 2699-2705.

  23. Ammon R., Zoch E. (1957) Zur Biochemie des Futtersaftes der Bienenkönigin.
    Arzneimitt. Forsch. 7: 699-702.

  24. Anderson N.G., Anderson N.L. (1978) Analytical techniques for cell fractions : Twodimensional analysis of serum and tissue proteins. Anal Biochem 85: 331-354.

  25. Midcycle pericoital intravaginal bee honey and royal jelly for male factor infertility
    International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Volume 101, Issue 2, May 2008, Pages 146-149
    Ahmed T. Abdelhafiz, Jehan A. Muhamad

  26. Anklam E. (1998) A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey. Food Chemistry 63 (4): 549-562.

  27. Antinelli J.F., Zeggane S., Davic R., Rogone C., Faucon J.P., Lizzani L. (2003)
    Evaluation of (E)-10-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid as a freshness parameter for royal jelly. Food Chemistry 80(1): 85-89.

  28. Antinelli J.F., Davico R., Rognone C., Faucon J.P., Lizzani-Cuvelier L. (2002)
    Application of solid/liquid extraction for the gravimetric determination of lipids in royal jelly. J Agric Food Chem. 50(8):2227-30.

  29. AOAC (1980) Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical
    Chemists (13th edn.), ed. Horwitz, W. Association of the Official Analytical Chemists,
    Washington, DC, USA, pp. 14-15.

  30. Ascenot M., Lensky Y. (1976) The effect of sugars and juvenile hormone on the
    differentiation of the female honeybee larvae (Apis mellifera L.) to queens. Life
    Sciences 18(7): 693-700.

  31. Asencot M., Lensky Y. (1975) Des larves femelles d'abeille mellifère, nourries avec de la gelee d'ouvrières supplementee, naissent des reines adultes. XXV Congr. Int. Apic. (Grenoble), Apimodia, Bucharest, 271-278.

  32. The effects of royal jelly on liver damage induced by paracetamol in mice
    Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology, Volume 61, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 123-132
    Murat Kanbur, Gökhan Eraslan, Latife Beyaz, Sibel Silici, Bilal Cem Liman, Şule Altınordulu, Ayhan Atasever

  33. Atherton E., Logan C.J. Shepard R.C. (1988) Peptide synthesis. Part II. Procedures
    for solid phase synthesis using Na-fluorenylmethoxy-carbamylamino acids on
    polyamine supports: synthesis of substance P and acyl carrier protein 65-74
    decapeptide. J. Chem. Soc. (London) 1: 538.

  34. Barker S. A., Foster A.B., Lamb D.C., Hodgson N. (1959) Identification of 10- Hydroxy-∆2-decenoic Acid in Royal Jelly. Nature 183: 996-997.

  35. Ban J., Popovic S., Maysinger D. (1983) Cytostatic effects of propolis in vitro. Acta Pharm Jugosl. 33: 245-255.

  36. Baumgart J. (1993) Mikrobiologische Untersuchung von Lebensmitteln, Behr´s-Verlag, Hamburg.

  37. Bayard C., Lottspeich F. (2001) Bioanalytical characterisation of proteins. J. Chromatography B 756: 113-122.

  38. Belestrieri F., Marini D. (1987) Complementi alimentari a base di polline, propoli e gelatina reale: determinacione quantitativa dei principi. Rivista della Societa Italiana
    di Scienza dell' Alimentazione 2: 143-48.

  39. Bilikova K., Klaudiny J., Simuth J. (1999) Characterisation of the basic major royal jelly protein MRJP2 of honeybee (Apis mellifera) and its preparation by heterologous
    expression in E-coli. Biologia 54 (6) 733-739.

  40. Bloodwoorth B., Harn C. Hock T. and Boon Y. (1995) Liquid Chromatographic
    Determination of trans-10-Hydroxy-2-Decenoic Acid Content of Commercial Products
    Containing Royal Jelly. J. AOAC Int. 78: 1019-1123.

  41. Antioxidative Effect of Royal Jelly in Cisplatin-induced Testes Damage
    Urology, Volume 74, Issue 3, September 2009, Pages 545-551 -Sibel Silici, Oguz Ekmekcioglu, Gokhan Eraslan, Abdullah Demirtas

  42. Blum H., Beier H., Gross H.J. (1987) Improved silver staining of plant proteins, RNA
    and DNA in polyacrylamid gels. Electrophoresis 8: 93-99.

  43. Blum M.S., Novak A.F., Taber S. (1959) 10-hydroxy-∆2-decenoic acid, an antibiotic
    found in royal jelly. Science 130: 452-453.

  44. Bogdanov S., Martin P. (2002) Honey Authenticity: a Review. Swiss Bee Research

  45. Bogdanov S. (1999) Gelée royale. Schweizerisches Zentrum für Bienenforschung. .

  46. Bogdanov S., Martin P., Lüllmann C (1997) Harmonised Method of the European
    Honey Commission. Apidologie (extra issue), p.59.

  47. Bogdanov S., Rieder K., Ruegg M. (1987) Neue Qualitätskriterien bei
    Honiguntersuchungen. Apidologie 18(3): 267-278.

  48. Bogdanov S. (1983) Characterisation of Antibacterial Substances in Honey.
    Lebensm.-Wiss. U. –Technol. 17: 74-76.

  49. Boman H. G. (1991) Antibacterial Peptides. Key Components Needed in Immunity.
    Cell 65: 205-207.

  50. Bontempo B. (2000) Caratterizzazione di alcune tipologie botaniche e geografiche di miele attraverso l’analisi mulitisotopica ed elementare. Tesi di laurea. Univ. Padova. Facolta di Farmacia.

  51. Bonomi A., Bonomi B.M. Quarantelli A. (2000) La Gelatina Reale nell’Alimentazione del Coniglio da Carne. Università di Parma – Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria – Annali 2000.

  52. Bonomi A., Marletto F. Luccelli L., Anghinetti A., Bonomi A., Sabbioni A. (1986)
    Composizione chimico-bromatologica della gelatina reale in rapporto alla floranettarifera e pollinifera. Riv. Ital. Sc. Alim. 15: 53-62.

  53. Bradford M. (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram
    quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Anal Biochem 72:

  54. Braines L.N. (1962) Royal jelly III. Inform. Bull. Inst. Pchelovodstva, 40.

  55. Braines L.N. (1960) Royal jelly II. Inform. Bull. Inst. Pchelovodstva, 40 pp.

  56. Braines L.N. (1959) Royal jelly I. Inform. Bull. Inst. Pchelovodstva, 31 pp. (with various articles).

  57. Brätter P., Schramel P. (1984) Trace element analytical chemistry in medicine and
    biology. Volume 3; Proceedings of the Third International Workshop Neuherberg,
    Federal Republic of Germany, April 1984; Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

  58. Braziewicz J., Fijal I., Czyzewski T., Jaskola M., Korman A., Banas D., Kubala-
    Kukus A., Majewska U., Zemlo L. (2002) PIXE and XRF analysis of honey samples.
    Nuclear Instruments &Methods In Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions
    With Materials And Atoms. 187: 231-237.

  59. Bricout J., Koziet J. (1985) Detection of the authenticity of orange juice by isotopic
    analysis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 35: 758-760.

  60. Bruder A. (1994) Die ökologische Bedeutung der Honigbienen (Apis mellifera).
    Plädoyer zum Schutz der europäischen Bienenzucht. Imkerfreund 12: 10-11.

  61. Camazine S., Crailsheim K., Hrassnigg, Robinson G.E., Leonhard B.,
    Kropiunigg H. (1998) Protein trophallaxis and the regulation of pollen foraging by
    honey bees. Apidologie 29: 113-126.

  62. Camazine S. (1993) The regulation of pollen foraging by honey bees: how foragers
    assess the colony’s need for pollen. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 32: 265-

  63. Caroli S., Forte G., Alessandrelli M., Cresti R., Spagnoli M., D’Ilio S., Pauwels J.,
    Kramer GN. (2000) A pilot study for the production of a certified reference material
    for trace elements in honey. Microchemical Journal 67: 227-223.

  64. Cesco S., Barbattini R., Agabiti M.F. (1994) Honey bees and bee products as
    possible indicators of cadmium and lead environmental pollution: an exerience of
    biological monitoring in Portogruaro city (Venice, Italy). Apicoltura 9: 103-118.

  65. Chauvin R. (1987) La ruche et l’homme. Calman-Levy.

  66. Chauvin R. (1968) Action physiologique et therapeutique des produits de la ruche. In
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  67. Chen S L. (2002) An introduction to high-yielding royal jelly production methods in
    China. Bee World 83: 69-77.

  68. Chinshuh C., Soe-Yen C. (1995) Changes in protein components and storage
    stability of royal jelly under various conditions. Food Chemistry 54 (2): 195-200.

  69. Chiu S.M. (1992) Effects of temperature and illumination on the storage stability of
    royal jelly. MS thesis, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan.

  70. Crailsheim K. (1992) The flow of jelly within a honeybee colony. Journal of
    Comparative Physiology B 162: 681-689.

  71. Crailsheim K., Schneider L.H.W., Hrassnig N., Bühlmann G., Brosch U.,
    Gmeinbauer R., Schöffmann B. (1992) Pollen consumption and utilization in worker
    honeybees (Apis mellifera carnica): Dependence on individual age and function.
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  72. Crailsheim (1990) The protein balance of the honey bee worker. Apidologie 21: 417-

  73. Crailsheim K., (1988) Regulation of food passage in the intestine of the honeybee
    (Apis mellifera L.). Journal of Insect Physiology 34: 839-845.

  74. Casteels J.K., Zhang W. Capici T., Casteels P. Tempst P. (1994) Acute
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  75. Casteels P.C., Ampe C., Jacobs F., Tempst P. (1993) Functional and chemical
    characterization of Hymenoptaecin, and antibacterial polypeptide that is infectioninducible
    in the honeybee (Apis mellifera). J.Biol.Chem. 268(10):7044-54.

  76. Chu L. K., Liu T. M. E., Ho K. K. (1992) Growth Inhibition of Ascosphaera apis by
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